After a much needed break from the blog to focus on spending Christmas with the family, keeping up with the daily vlogs and busy planning travels for the new year - we are back, happy 2016! We thought the perfect way to kick off the year would be to reminisce and look back on which blog posts were the most read and shared last year. In 2015 we had over 1 million people come and check out Flying The Nest and we just want to say a big thank you to all those that support and follow us, this is only our 2nd year being apart of the blogging world and we still can't get over that crazy number - thank you!
With out further adieu, here are the top 10 most popular travels posts of 2015.
1. 10 Unusual Beaches You Have Never Heard Of

Flying The Nest readers obviously love the beach, with this post having a crazy amount of views and over 5,000 shares. Have you managed to visit any of these unusual beaches from around the world? We still have plenty we need to tick off the list!
2. 22 Spectacular & Bizarre Airbnb Rentals

We are big lovers of Airbnb (spending most of 2015 using them) and have found some pretty unique and wacky places to stay. Being shared over 1,000 times, we would love to hear if you've experienced any of these strange Airbnb's for yourself.
3. 30 Festivals To Experience Before You're 30

We came up with what we think are the 30 festivals from around the world you simply can not miss! This post has been shared over 2,000 times and viewed by many.
4. 10 Incredible Thrill Seeking Adventures To Do Around The World

If you have been following along during our travels throughout 2015 you would know we are lovers of thrill seeking adventures. So of course we had to come up with a list of adrenaline filled adventures we have experienced, or planning to some day soon. Are you daring enough to complete this list?
5. 9 Ultimate Bucket List Road Trips

We love road trips, having done 3 in 2015 through Canada, South West America and South Africa. Having way too many road trip plans on our mind, we came up with our top 10 road trips added to our bucket list. You guys must enjoy them too, with this post coming in at #5.
6. 10 Most Useful Travel Websites

Coming in as the sixth most viewed post was our list of most useful travel websites we use whenever we travel. We try and share as many tips and tricks we have left from our travels, and glad you are all finding them useful.
7. 12 Of The Weirdest Hotel Rooms You Can Actually Stay At

At the end of 2014 we shared with you all 12 hotels that are on the unconventional side and you want to experience these rooms now just as much as we do, having over 1,000 shares!
8. 10 Inspiring Ted Talks About Travel

We don't only like reading about travel, we also like hearing about travel - and so do all of you! We shared with you 10 Ted Talks that inspire us to keep travelling and also hopefully inspired you too.
9. 10 Of The Most Underrated Travel Destinations Around The World

We all love a good getaway, and I am sure destinations like Paris, New York, Rome and London are on the top of your list. While those popular travel spots are indeed incredible, have you ever considered visiting a place off-the-beaten-track, lesser known and a little more interesting? With almost 4,000 shares we hope to see you visit one of these destinations in 2016.
10. Our European Bucket List

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Before our travels to Europe we shared with you all a list of 55 things we had to see and do while we were there and we are happy to say we achieved a lot on this list when we went!
A big thank you again for all your support, and here's to another travel filled year ahead!