Month four was not as exciting as our previous months. We were quite the hermits, spending most of our time working on the website and extra jobs here and there, getting prepared for the crazy months of travel ahead. We like to live by the saying "do something today that your future self will thank you for" which really sums up this month full of a lot of work, and not so much play. 

Where We Went

1 day in Whistler / British Columbia, Canada

2 days in Quadra Island / British Columbia, Canada

5 days in Desolation Sound / British Columbia, Canada

The rest of the month was spent in Vancouver / British Columbia, Canada


- Lots of travel plans. We had so much fun sitting down one day and pretty much planning out where we will be travelling to for the rest of the year. We wanted our first year of full time travel to be planned out and maybe next year, once we have this constant-travelling-thing down pact, be a little more spontaneous. We are so excited to share with you all the exciting places we are visiting ... but that will be at a later date.

- Walking the Capilano Suspension Bridge. Something we have been wanting to do since arriving in Vancouver was to walk across the famous Capilano Suspension Bridge. It is such an incredible place and we would highly recommend you check it out if you ever find yourself in Vancouver. Stephen even created a short film showcasing the area, it was that nice!

- Jess is getting old! Yep, Jess turned 25 this month. After reading messages from family and friends and opening few little prezzies we spent the day drinking coffee, visiting Grouse Mountain, having a birthday shopping spree and ending the night with some popcorn and a movie.

- We went up Grouse Mountain. We took a gondola up to the peak and spent a day in the mist. We saw grizzly bears and beautiful pine filled forests. Unfortunately the visibility was poor so we missed out on the incredible views we were hoping for, however we will be returning in the summer to complete the Grouse Grind.

- Returned to Whistler. After our previous ski weekend at Whistler we were curious to see what it is like during the warmer months. We jumped on a bus and spent our day hiking, eating veggie dogs and watching mountain bikes ride down the same terrain we skied on only a month earlier.

Month 4 2

- We entered a travel video comp. After a travel blogger friend told us about a competition going on involving the creation of a short film about travel we just had to enter! This is our first competition we have ever entered and it has been awesome watching amazing video entries by fellow travel enthusiasts. The competition is still running until the end of the month, so you can still check out our entry

- Kayaking Desolation Sound. We teamed up with Wildcoast Adventures and went on a 6 day kayaking adventure through Desolation Sound in British Columbia. We had been dying to experience the Canadian wilderness and this was by far the highlight of the month.

- First time campers. During our time exploring Desolation Sound we camped together for the first time. We definitely put the tent up wrong, were bitten by quite the number of mozzies and weren't as prepared as we should of been for ruffing it in the woods - but, it was one of the best travel moments we have had together so far.

- S'mores! After seeing so many camp movies filled with campfires and s'mores we finally got to experience both and man are s'mores goooood.

- Hello 1000 subscribers. Our little YouTube community is growing. This month we hit a milestone! We still can't comprehend that one thousand people have decided to subscribe and watch our daily videos.

Month 4


Okay guys, before we commence we understand that the lowlights we are about to present to you are pretty problems BUT they are problems nonetheless.

- Dropping the vlogging camera. All fellow vloggers will understand when we say that our little handheld camera is our baby... and Jess dropped our baby! Since the incident the lens has been playing up and there is a now a permanent squiggle in our footage (if you watch our daily vlogs you would of meet our annoying squiggle friend).

- Flight mishap. Okay, this one is entirely our fault. We were a little too excited to get out of the house and jump on a flight for a week of adventures. This over excitement led to us arriving at the airport an entire day early!

The Funds

Again, housing expenses was where the most of our money went this month.

We spent $1356 on housing expenses, $72 for a night at Quadra Island, $300 on food, $200 on transportation (those Skytrain tickets are a killer), $432 on return flights to Campbell River and $60 on coffee.


May was a fantastic month in terms of work. We had the opportunity to team up with some awesome companies and see some incredible parts of British Columbia. We were both making an income this month which really helped give our savings a nice boost. Adsense is also trickling in, helping to pay for site fees and such.

We are working on branching out over the next few months and doing some freelance writing jobs which we are both very excited about.

Quick Numbers So Far…

Flights taken: 6

Kilometres travelled: 18,900

Photographs taken: 6500

Days uploaded to YouTube: 119

Coffee’s Had: 93

Where To Next:

We will be exploring more of British Columbia, a special friend will be joining us and we will be venturing into other parts of North America (but we don't want to give too much away just yet).

Thank you so much for coming along on our journey of leaving home and travelling the world!

Stephen and Jess signoff



