"Every now and then you have to close your eyes and jump without letting anyone know your eyes were shut"
To say we are nervous about the year ahead is an understatement. Deciding to move from our safe and secure life in Australia and to the other side of the world is scary. To move away from the support of our family and friends is equally scary. If our funds ran out at home, no worries we would simply wait till the next pay cheque to blow. If we felt lonely our support group is only a 5 minute drive away.
I think that when someone decides to move abroad they are either running away or running to something. We will admit that our reasoning comes from both columns.
Once completing high school we were both already knee deep in part time work and were eager to gain more shifts. I headed off to film school, Jess started University and 5 years later, and some important pieces of paper finally hanging upon our walls, we both started our full time professions. This brings us to 2014, where we had both started a life, or as the way we saw it - "a normal life".
“Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for - in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.” - Ellen Goodman
This quote from Ellen Goodman really stood out to us. We quickly realised that we aren't ready to have a mortgage, kids and settle into a standard routine until retirement. So I suppose you can say we are running away from the normal life and towards a unique life.
We want to experience the unknown, other cultures and whats it like living in another country before we settle down. Who knows wether we want to live in Perth all our lives? We want to make mistakes, be spontaneous, take risks and we want to learn from them.
We believe that some of the most important moments in history were recorded by travellers and this blog is our way to leave a stamp on this world.
Would you consider moving abroad?
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