It's a new year and we all have clean slates to once again start writing new life stories. This year at Flying the Nest we thought we would try putting together a few more personal posts about us so that as a community we can get to know each other a little bit more.

Today's personal post with 20 facts about me.

20 Facts About Stephen Parry

1. I like watching horror movies, Jess doesn't so we comprised and don't watch any.

2. I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa where I lived until I was 9 and a half and immigrated to Australia.

3. I'm a little bit of a nerd as I have an Advance Diploma in film, a Bachelor's in marketing, advertising and public relations and an Honours Degree in business.

4. For most of my life I wanted to be an actor, this only changed recently.

5. One of my favourite past times includes playing video games and watching movies. So this has resulted in quite the collection of both.

6. One of the worst injuries that I have hadwas as a child I got chickenpox and measles at the exact same time. The pressure on my leg was so strong that it broke a bone and I had to have plaster of Paris on there for some time.

7. My nickname is Sparry.

8. I totally peaked in Kindergarten

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stephen baby

9. I am a night time person - morning is not for work but for scrolling through my Facebook and Twitter feed for hours.

10. I have been in 3 car accidents - surprisingly none were my fault.

11. My favourite flavour is chocolate, chocolate ice cream, chocolate chocolates, just chocolate.

12. My accent is a bit of a weird one, a little bit Aussie, a little bit South African and a little bit posh for some strange reason.

13. I hate sport, don't like watching it, don't like talking about it

14. I know nothing about cars except a few brand names....oh yeah I don't sound very manly now do I?

15. On the third note of my unmanliness - can't stand the taste of beer.

16. One of my fondest achievements is directing, producing and shooting a television commercial that aired in 2014.

17. I'm short, standing up at 5'5, oh yeah totally purchased a piece of clothing from the kids section before.

18. Even though it is a new hobby I love photography.

19. When I shave I look like a 12 year old boy - when I don't I look like a 12 year old boy with fluff on his face.

20. I am very easily distracted and have to use lists to keep on track.

I would love to know a little bit about you. Pick a question above and answer it below.


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