One day we were both talking and came to realise life is too short. We get one life and we want to live it by following our dreams, enjoying every day doing what we love. We knew that working a 9-5 job was not for us. We are fortunate enough to have grown up in a country where we could get an education whilst still living at home and saving all our pennies to be able to travel.  Once the studies were over and we had some money in the bank, it was time we booked that one way ticket and begin to explore more of the world around us.

After those flights were booked Flying The Nest was born. We have had many ask us why we created this blog and today we want to share with you why.

1. Our Very Own Personal Journal

Since we were young we loved to document things we do, either through photography, film or simply keeping a journal (if you want to see some cheeky old videos of us then here you go). We both love to store memories and keep track of experiences. Discovering the world of blogs and the thought of being able to keep a digital record of your life that will be stored forever really intrigued us.

2. Gaining Confidence and Resilience

Blogging has helped us gain more confidence. It has allowed us to realise we do live important lives and can share a unique view on the world. It also allows those that do read our thoughts and experiences to encourage us and allow us to feel a sense of community around this platform we have created. Of course, for those that share their own personal ideas, thoughts and experiences online know that with the good comes the bad. Blogging has helped us gain resilience against those that may not agree with our thoughts and ideas or simply don't like who we are.

3. Self-inspiration

Travelling to new places and experiencing new countries and cities seem to keep us inspired. It has given us a sense of purpose and experiencing unexplored land is addictive! The more we travel, the more inspired we feel. The more we explore, the more meaningful and authentic we want our lives to become.

4. Inspiring Others

There is no better feeling then getting a comment from a reader or a little email telling us how we inspired them to travel. Investing so much your time, energy  and sharing personal views onto a space that is free for all to read and getting positive feedback and hearing that readers are inspired makes it all worth while.

5. Making Friends From Around The World

In such a short space of time we have meet so many people online, through comments, emails or social media platforms. The blogging community is such a  friendly, encouraging space to be apart of where others genuinely want to see you succeed.

6. Allowing Us to Grow

The greatest difference between blogging and traditional publishing is the ability for the reader to give instant feedback. As bloggers we will write about ideas based on our own understandings and experiences. We will then get a response from a reader that at times will challenge us and give us a new, fresh look at a topic or idea.

Would you consider starting your own blog? If you already do, please add a link below, we would love to check it out!


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