For the past 5 years we have been travelling the world as much as we can, whilst balancing full time work and study. The experiences and lessons that we learnt during these snippets of seeing the world have changed our way of thinking in terms of travel.

Here are 50 lessons we have learnt during our travels, and I am sure during the years to come more and more will be added to the list.

50. You don't need everything that you plan to pack in your suitcase

49. English is certainly not spoken everywhere

48. Exchange a little bit of local currency before arriving - you never know if you will need it

47. Yes you can take too many photographs

46. ... and yes, you can film too much footage

45. Experiences > Possessions

44. You can afford a life of travel

43. Tax is added to the price tag in America

42. Travelling with your partner is special

41. Take a four way adaptor so you can charge all your equipment on one power point

40. Travel is not expensive

39. Don't exchange money in the airport

38. Hand signals can be a life saver when trying to explain something to a non-english speaking local

37. Locals love to help you

36. You learn whilst travelling

35. Travelling with family is important

34. Airplane food is getting better

33. You appreciate the things you have more

32. You are way more unfit than first thought

31. You should travel while you're young

30. Taxi drivers can be a hit and miss

29. Eat food before you become hangry (hungry/angry) as it can change the mood of your trip very quickly

28. Noise cancelling headphones are lifesavers on flights

27. Use travel to overcome fears

26. Travel is a bottomless pit - the more you do the more you want

25. Put the camera down and enjoy where you are

24. Life is too short

23. Jet Lag Sucks

22. WiFi can be a godsend

21. Just because someone you know hated a place doesn't mean you should write it off your bucket list

20. Stop and talk to locals - you learn so much

19. Sometimes you can have more fun if you don't go where the crowd or your friends all flock to

18. Listening to podcasts makes time go way quicker than listening to music

17. Travelling in your own backyard is a perfectly good reason to travel

16. It's good to try new things, whether food or adventures

15. I would much rather spend money on an experience than a trinklet to take home

14. Have backup bank cards with money on it stored in different locations

13. Sometimes an inspirational travel quote can help you get up in the morning

12. Don't be cheap. Yes we understand travel budgets are important but sometimes spending $600 to skydive will provide a lasting memory

11. ... but don't be wasteful. Blowing half your spendings for one night of partying is not worth it.

10. Remove as much stress from your trip as possible and just go with the flow

9. A coin operated washing machine can be a lifesaver after 2 weeks of travelling

8. Enjoy the company you have just as much as the location you are travelling to

7. Take what the media says with a slight grain of salt. There are places out there that aren't as dangerous as the media makes it out to be

6. A smile can be understood in any language

5. Don't compare your travels to others, use it to learn

4. Travel is not all positive - there are things you can hate about travel

3. It is possible to stay healthy whilst travelling

2. Travel Apps can be lifesavers (and save you from missing a flight)

1. Spending money on travel is the only thing that can make you richer

What have you learnt whilst travelling?


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