Jet lag - our number one dreaded outcome of travelling around the world. It keeps us up when we want to sleep, and keeps us exhausted when we want to be exploring. And the worst part of it all, the farther we have travel, the worse it gets! We ended up spending the first week of our once in a lifetime trip to the Caribbean spent wresting with our pillows by night and taking way too many naps by day. In the back of our minds we know we shouldn't be taking all these day naps, but how could we make the most of our trip as zombies from the Walking Dead. Here are some trail and tested ways to help with the dreaded jetlag.

Before you leave

1. Many say that pulling an all-nighter before your trip, so you are tired and more likely to sleep, will help with jetlag. We find though that it is best to being fully rested before you embark on your travels. Instead, try to alter your sleep patterns before you leave to closely match the timezone of your destination. One of our favourite travel apps is the 'Jet Lag app' - you simply enter in the time of your flight, your home country and where you’re flying to and the app will work out a sleep pattern that will gradually acclimatise you to your new time zone.

During your flight

2. We recommend not being tempted by the in-flight alcohol selection, as alcohol can increase tiredness and cause dehydration. Also, if you are due to land at night, avoid caffeinated beverages since this will affect your sleep pattern.

3. Don't resort to sleeping pills - they are not worth it! They do not assist with jetlag and just leave you feeling groggy once you land. We do recommend, if you are on a long flight, to try and sleep but do it the natural way. So why not try a nice hot chamomile tea?

4. Once you jump on the plane set your watch to your destination's time to get you psychologically prepared for the time difference.

When you arrive

5. Allow your body to get rest during your 24 hours of arrival. A snooze during your first day is better then straining to stay awake and spending the next 2-3 days falling asleep on foreign trains and buses.

6. Eat three meals a day in line with your new time zone.

7. Get as much sunlight as you can and get some exercise in to boost your endorphins and stretch out those long-flight kinks.

What tricks and tips do you use to conquer the dreaded jetlag? Leave a comment below, Tweet us or leave a post on Facebook.

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