Would you ever head to the airport with your bags packed and no idea where you are flying to? Letting go of all control and having someone else plan your entire trip for you?
Because this is exactly what we did.
It is quite a liberating feeling, jumping into a journey that is completely unknown. But you are probably all wondering, how did a trip like this come about? No, we did not blindly throw a dart at a map ... we had Anywhr curate our very own personalised trip catered specifically for us. After finding out everything they needed to know about us; our interests, travel style and budget, they went ahead and booked an entire trip to a location completely unknown to us.
If you want to see how our Anywhr trip turned out check out our YouTube video below, and keep on scrolling to learn more about this unique adventure.
What is an Anywhr Trip?
Anywhr is a travel curated service that wants to reignite the joy of discovery in taking new journeys. They realised that travellers today seem to go to the same places, take the same photos and buy the same souvenirs as everybody else. By crafting trips that cater to your preferences, they will send you to your perfect destination, booking flights, accommodation and even put together a one-of-a-kind Travelogue with recommendations all catered to you.
The Booking Process
Booking our Anywhr trip was very simple ...
Select the dates you want to travel and if you want your trip to be in Asia, South East Asia or Europe.
Choose the theme for your Anywhr trip. There are three themes to choose from: adventure (for those trekkers & adrenaline seekers), experience (for those that like to meet the locals & experience the culture) and getaway (for those that need a relaxing, chilled out holiday). **We chose experience.
Select the airport you are flying out from. Anywhr can organise flights from any airport, and if your airport does not come up as an option you can simply send them a message through live-chat and they will add it as an option for you.
You then need to select your accommodation and room type. You have the choice of hostel (shared, female only or private), homestay (with host or without host) and hotel (single, double or family).
The last step is quite a unique one. Anywhr will ask you a bunch of multiple choice questions to get to know you better to help with the curation of your perfect trip. In this final step they will also ask for you to list any countries you may have travelled to before or not interested in travelling to.
... and voila, your next trip will be curated just for you.

Once the booking was complete we received a teaser email 3 days later, informing us on the weather of the destination, what we should pack, and what time & terminal to head to. It was so fun trying to guess where we were going from the little clues this email had!
One week before our trip we received a very exciting envelope in the post. Inside held our flights, accommodation bookings, any transportation tickets, currency and our travelogue - this is what we were going to open at the airport to reveal the trip Anywhr had curated for us. The temptation to open it early was certainly there, but we resisted and it made for such a fun surprise!

The Big Reveal
It was such an exhilarating feeling heading to the airport with absolutely no clue where we would be travelling to for the next week. Once we pulled up to the Perth International AirPort, we ran inside, opened the envelope and we were so surprised on the destination Anywhr were sending us!
I guess this is the part where we should reveal where we were off to... but what's the fun in that? If you want to find out the the destination Anywhr picked out for us you will need to watch our YouTube video ;)
It is more fun for you to experience the surprise along with us than to straight out tell you - right!?


Thanks to Anywhr for inviting Flying The Nest to experience this incredibly unique trip, as always all opinions are our own.