Goodbye 27, hello 28!
Last week I spent my birthday in Canggu, Bali with an amazing group of people all with a passion for travel and film making. We stayed at a beautiful villa at The Chillhouse, an amazing spot if you love yoga & surfing - they have their own yoga studio and surf boards to rent! This was our second time staying at The Chillhouse, and we were SO excited to be coming back because the food here is ahhhmazing!
Seeing as we were celebrating in Bali I decided to opt for a smoothie bowl this year rather than a cake. We headed to Kynd Community for some afternoon snacks and I was served a delicious smoothie bowl with Happy B'Day written in mango on top!
We ended the day watching back old birthdays from the past few years.It's moments like this that always make me so appreciative that we love to capture and film our life. Being able to reflect and see how much I have grown and changed over the years is always such a surreal experience.