Wow, 2016 what an amazing year. Even though it did start with our inevitable return from our year abroad, we still managed to keep the fire warm before crescendoing into a blaze with a number of trips scattered throughout the year. If we are talking specifically about our channel we ended up changing a lot, including stopping daily vlogging (after 565 days straight) and moving to a 3 vlog a week set up.
On top of that we hit a massive milestone 10,000 subscribers or as I like to call it 10,000 people we can now call friends. We also crossed the 1 million views mark on our channel (which is now creeping up to the 4 million mark)!
In 2016 alone we released 329 videos!! So trying to pick only 5 videos is going to be a bit of a mission
The Best Way to End 2016
It seems a bit strange starting off our favourite videos with the very last one. It could be because it's fresh in our mind or simply that it was one of our favourite days of the entire year. Even right here on our blog we said it was hands down one of the best experiences to have in 2017.
One of the best volunteering projects in South Africa
We visited a whole bunch of volunteer projects in 2016 and reflecting back on the year I believe that our year mostly consisted of being able to spend some time with some truly incredible animals. So by defining one of our favourite videos of 2016 would technically be choosing which was our favourite volunteer project and it has to be our time at the wildlife ranch in South Africa.
From getting up and close with ring tailed lemurs to spending our lunch break diving with crocodiles, it has everything you need in a stand out vlog!
Arriving in Bangkok
There's nothing like arriving in a foreign country that is so different to yours back home and being set loose is a new city. We honestly had no idea what we wanted to see in Bangkok until the day before so we jumped from Uber to Tuk Tuk to the metro system and somehow managed to see just about everything the city has to offer!
2015 Roundup
Another anomaly on the list has to be our 2015 roundup. I almost shifted it into the honourable mentions (which was already growing quite rapidly on its own) but being able to stop and reflect on the past year makes you truly appreciate everything you did.
Dancing Around the World
This was a fun video that wasn't even filmed in 2015... or 2014. During the completion of our University and well before Flying the Nest was even a thing we did a trip to Singapore, Dubai and the Maldives. Before we vlogged we loved doing little roundup videos of our time, think of it as a precursor to the vlogs. We decided to make one overarching video that had us dancing between the three countries we visited. In 2016 I finally got around to completing the edit and well, yep this was the final result.
Honourable Mentions
100 Layers of Makeup - Girlfriend does my makeup challenge - We tend to not post our challenge videos on the blog but boy did I have fun editing this video. To date I think I have yet to put more time into editing a video. If you are up for a laugh that has nothing to do with travel - then check this video out.
Volunteering with Giant Panda's in China - I couldn't possibly put two volunteering videos up, so this came in at a close second.
Trying Spicy Mouth Numbing Chinese Food - Two China videos? I think we just loved our time in this fascinating country too much.
Cleaning Baby Sea Turtles - Not necessarily for the video but for what it stands for. It was our first video to ever cross the 1 million mark and for that it has to be mentioned.
Surprising Family After 1 Year Travelling the World - A personal video of when we returned from our year abroad. The reactions from both my mom and sister will always be in my memories.
Family Adventures in Cairns - Speaking of family videos, our recent Christmas trip in Cairns produced a video I will rewatch in the years to come.
Lastly, we want to say a big thank you to everyone that followed along on our adventures over the past 2 years. Without all of you none of this would of been possible xx
What was your favourite Flying The Nest vlog in 2016?