So you want to find a job or career that will help you travel the world or just simply a job that involves travel? One avenue is a way that many have done and that is to save all your money and quit your job. However, for long term travel can you really sustain it whilst being unemployed?

Prior to our year abroad we did that very thing - put aside just about every single last cent thanks to a few money saving tips, packed up our home and booked a one way ticket to Canada. Well a few months in the money was running thin but thankfully we had already put into place a sustainable way to keep traveling - our travel blog which is just one of many lane ways to keep a life abroad.

A few years ago we put together a post on 10 ways to travel for free, this year we are giving your 30 of the best jobs for those who want to travel.

1. Travel Blogger

Yes it can be done! If you know how to start a blog and have the dedication to grow a platform to which you can monitize and use to work with brands, you can travel the world. This is what we have done since launching our blog in September 2014 and have been able to successfully work with over 60 travel & lifestyle brands.

Read our brand new blogging tips guide on how to get started.

2. Flight Attendant

If it wasn't for being a travel blogger myself I would automatically think flight attendant, don't you? Here you get to travel the world with an airplane being your office. Minimal past customer service is needed (but it won't hurt to have some when grabbing an interview at any major airline). However, just ensure you are a people person because the benefits of flight discounts that come with the job will please not only yourself but your close family members.


3. Teach English

So this one really applies to those who are fluent English speakers themselves as it will not only affect your chances at scoring a job but also you will really be doing your customers (whether kids or adults) a disservice if English is your second language. Some places may require a degree or relevant certificate such as a teachers-aid cert which is not too hard to obtain.

4. Cruise Line Worker

This one should be quite easy to get with so many jobs available on a cruise ship, from cooks to beach workers to dishwashers. On top of getting paid to see beautiful tropical islands in the Caribbean you are also able to save all your money as food, drink and accommodation comes as apart of your job. However, if you get sea sick I would probably skip this option.

5. Photographer // Wedding Photographer

Though this one doesn't require any sort of certificate or qualification you will need to be able to prove your moneys worth through your skills. I would suggest you build yourself an online portfolio whether through your Instagram, Flickr or 500px to show off to potential clients.

If you can't score a professional job, why not take some shots of the hostel you are staying at? Or head down to the local restaurants and show them your work. Offer a reasonable price (though you probably won't get as much as a pre-organised job) at least it can keep you going, especially in cheaper countries.

6. Au Pair // Nanny

I have personally known many people who have headed off into either England or the US (both very popular travel destinations) to become an Au Pair. Pay is not jaw-dropping amazing but your food and accommodation is included and I have had friends where family holidays come apart of the package. Great way to see another country but if you don't 100% love kids, move onto the next job.

7. Ski Instructor

Living and growing up in Australia means that you either went to school with someone or know of someone that wants to be or has been a ski instructor in Whistler. You don't have to be qualified as there are plenty of jobs from lift operators to children's skii school instructor. Of course this is seasonal and very popular so get in early.



World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms or as everyone else calls it WWOOF or "woofing". This is where you work with an international organization that provides opportunities for volunteers to work on organic farms and in return you get food and board.

9. Bartender/Server

Are you a night owl who loves to go clubbing? Well bartending could be the job for you. If you head out during popular seasons where there is a influx of tourists you can easily find a job. If you score a position in a country that tips then amp up your customer service to earn some extra cash.

Just ensure you have the correct certificates, for example in Australia you need an responsible service of alcohol (RSA) certificate to even land an interview as a bartender.

10. Digital Marketer or Social Media Manager

Many companies just don't have the resources or money to hire a full time social media manager to run their pages. This is where you can come in, offering both  a price that is attractive and will pay your bills. Qualified in digital marketing? Why not bump up your price and provide a package deal.

There are multiple websites you can use including Fiverr (though pay is very low) or E-Lance to get work.

11. Tour Guide

We were recently in Alice Springs (Australia) exploring the Telegraph center on a tour and our guide was German. He even presented himself with a question "you fly all around the world to see Australia and you have a German tour guide?". A big part of the telegraph center was the German engineering and products used for - it added to the story having a international tour guide and he had a job as a result of it.

Do some research and pitch yourself on why they should hire you, most of the time you will be cheaper than the locals.

Two girls posing in front of Bridge

12. Hotel Worker // Hostel // Backpacking

There are two ways you can go here, work for your board or work on minimum wage, but if that is enough to keep you going in a certain country then why not apply to some hostels before you arrive?

13. Travel Agent

Though, your job won't primarily be traveling the world there are perks including famil trips put together by tourism boards and hotel chains which involve flying out key travel agents to experience and hopefully sell more of their products and services. Other perks also include travel agent discounts on most travel experiences.

14. Freelance Writer

Are you a qualified journalist or have a portfolio that proves your writing skills? Pitch and write stories for blogs or online magazines. Most of these positions do charge on a per word basis but if you start to build up your resume of high end clients then you can start to pitch higher fees and even to have your tour/hotel covered in exchange for a review.

If your writing is above par but not ready for Conde Naste? Why not travel to countries where English is not their first language and charge $10 (or the equivalent in a meal) to proofread their menus in exchange for checking their grammar and spelling? I don't think I came across one menu that was grammatically correct in Cambodia.

15. Barista

Learning the art of coffee is one skill that can take you around the world. Like bar tending (but without the late nights) you can quite easily get a job at a cafe or restaurant making coffee. Though in most countries a barista qualifications is not required, you will more likely be asked to simply make a few coffees and be judged on your skills.


16. Website Designer

I have personally done this and certainly can recommend it to those who have the skills that are more than just being able to install a theme. In my experience you will have clients requiring changes that you probably never thought of before, so why not try a few jobs for free before committing to paid work.

17. Professional Chef/ Cook

Some countries won't require qualifications but at the very least a resume to back your skills up. There are plenty of hotels, restaurants and cafes looking for quality staff members. Better yet, you get to return home with some new cuisines and recipes to share with everyone.

18. Be a Scuba Instructor

This one is a little more costly as it involves working your way up to dive master. If you are yet to be qualified I would look at heading to a cheaper country to get qualified as the fees are way lower. We got PADI certified in South Africa which was drastically cheaper than in Australia.


19. Video Creator

Yes, being a YouTuber can be your full time job and being a travel YouTuber is also possible. However, I am not talking about becoming an online presence but instead filming and creating content for brands. I would start out by building up a resume first, so do a few jobs for free, then add a smaller fee before charging full rates.

20. Nurse // Medical Field

Okay so this one seems more like a career choice than an easy job you can get whilst backpacking Europe. However, if you do have the qualifications to be a nurse or in the medical field (dental assistant for example) there are always international countries looking for experienced staff.

If you are a registered nurse you are in one of the most mobile professions out there.

21. Join the Navy

If you want to do your service to your country's defense force, then why not look into the Navy? I have had a few friends join the Australian naval marines and have shared stories of their placements from all around the world.

22. Be a Pilot

So this one is one of the more costly jobs to get qualified in, because I don't think a resume with your moms friend as a reference will cut it. Thousands of dollars and hundreds of flight hours later you can have a very rewarding job that can be used across the world.

23. Become a Volunteer

There are a bunch of volunteer companies and organisation that will help work with you to make a difference in less fortunate countries. No pay here, but it comes with the perks of board and food. Great way to see another country, make a difference and keep your expenses low.

Trying to clean the Marmoset cage.

24. Become a Busker

I am not suggesting you beg for money but earn it on the streets. Do you have a skill? Can play an instrument? Why not busk on the side of the streets in some of the cities busiest tourist attractions?

25. Translator

All those years at high school learning Japanese or Mandarin may be worth it. If you can speak a second language or better yet multiple languages you could land an international job. Whether working in government or as a tour operator, this highly sought out skill can take you places.

26. Fruit/Vegetable Picker

This is more of an extension on "woofing" as anyone who is up for manual labor on farms should have no trouble finding work abroad.

27. House Sitter

So you aren't necessarily getting paid to travel but a large portion of ones budget abroad goes towards flights and accommodation. At least this way you can house sit for periods of time and have all your utilities and board covered. A website we recommend checking out is mindmyhouse.com, it is $20 per year to sign up and there is a bunch of houses looking for sitters.

28. Join the Peace Corps

So there is no pay here but instead you get to travel around the world doing humanitarian work in exchange for board, travel and food. Sounds like the ultimate win-win? Do good and travel the world as you do it.

Alice Springs Rainbow Valley

29. Act in Films

Join Bollywood, I am being deadly serious! One of the biggest film industries in the world, producing so many movies each year you are bound to find work as a Westerner. Anyone want to come and be famous with me in India?

30. Virtual Assistant

The great thing about being a virtual assistant is that you literally can offer any digital services to those in need. This can be anything from a virtual receptionist to a virtual social media manager. If you have a great online or customer service skills as well as an internet connection - this is for you.

31. Graphic Designer

As with website design if you have the skills to become a graphic designer there is tonnes of work out there for you. From logo redesigns to creating brochures. If you can't find jobs then why not head into the hostel you are staying at, show them what you can offer and charge a price that suits the location. A $4 a night hostel in Bali certainly wont accept your $700 logo, brochure and business card design, but may offer you what is relevant to that country.

Which job would you choose to have to help you travel the world?



