This is more of a personal post about an announcement we made over on our YouTube channel. If you are looking for travel tips or wanderlust check back in tomorrow with some fresh new content. If you would like a personal explanation on why we stopped doing something that has been apart of our lives for the last year and a half, keep reading.
We made it to 565 straight vlogs uploaded to our YouTube channel and boy has it been a fun ride. From seeing the Northern Lights in Alaska to exploring castles in Germany and even surprising our family after one year abroad, having those special moments all captured on film is something we will always cherish.
Our plan for 2016 was never to continue the full time travel but instead take some time to spend with our friends and family. Time is precious and this was one of the many lessons we learnt abroad that you need to see and enjoy your loved ones as much as possible. So 2016 we would do FIFO (fly in, fly out), we would head to Asia for a month and then return to Australia for a month etc. throughout the year.
This has worked brilliantly, we appreciated each and every trip more than the previous one and we also had downtime to enjoy life. It's really hard to explain why you need to take breaks from travel unless you have done this before. A subject I may save for another Dear Diary entry.
This brings us up to date with a focus on our home daily vlogs. We currently work around the clock speaking to sponsors, running the blog, uploading to our YouTube channel 7 days a well as well as working behind the scenes to ensure we can keep showing you more of this beautiful world.
We honestly felt a little burnt out. Blog posts slipped from 30 a month to 15 and even 5 or 6 a month. We spent more of our down time working which meant our daily home videos started dropping in quality. Some days we would work 10 hours a day to then pick up a camera and try show you our day, which at that point would be dinner and bed. This hurt us, we want to bring you the best quality content and it wasn't happening.
We are now changing up our schedule to focus on content that we both love doing and also are proud to upload.
Our new schedule is:
Monday and Wednesday - Vlogs just as we have always uploaded on the channel
Friday - Fun Friday we are calling it. Here we will upload travel tips, Q&A's and challenge videos.
Also when we are travelling we will be switching back to daily vlogging, because we love showing and sharing our content with you when we are abroad or exploring our own backyard.
We just wanted to thank everyone for your support, it honestly means the world to us. Don't worry we aren't quitting YouTube, we plan to stay for a while.