Month 6 has been our craziest month of travel to date. We spent the month travelling through some of our favourite parts of the US, as well as new cities we had not yet visited.

Where We Went

2 days in New York City / New York, United States

4 days in Washington D.C. / District of Columbia, United States

6 days in Burbank / California, United States

4 days in Anaheim / California, United States

6 days in Salt Lake City / Utah, United States

1 day in Monticello / Utah, United States

2 days in Flagstaff / Arizona, United States

5 days in Las Vegas / Nervada, United States 


We won! Stephen's video You're Only Young Once won the Covermore's Ultimate Traveller Competition. We are so overwhelmed and incredibly grateful that we won, and we want to say a BIG thank you to all of you that voted and shared our entry!! We have been busy planning where to go with the prize money to make sure we keep creating content we love, to share with you all. If you want to see our reaction to winning check out our video.

Meeting fellow travellers in New York. We love connecting with people from around the world. During our travels through NYC we were contacted by Mari, a fellow YouTuber who lives in Brooklyn. We met with her for lunch and she showed us around her favourite parts of Brooklyn. Check out Mari's channel: Explore here.

Explored DC. We spent a few days this month visiting monuments and museums in Washington D.C.

Bonfires on the beach. During our time in LA we met up with our friends Jenn & Jack and they took us to experience a traditional bonfire on the beach - s'mores and all!

month 6 1

Universal Studios. Our mission in life is to visit every theme park in the world! We can now cross Universal Studios in Hollywood off our list!

Too much food. We ate our way through Los Angeles on our first ever food tour experience.

Vidcon! We attended Vidcon for the first time, a YouTube convention held in Anaheim once a year. We met so many incredible YouTubers that we have been watching for years, many who inspired us to start filming our travels.

Scariest roller coaster in the world! During our time in Utah we rode on the most scariest roller coaster we have ever experienced - Cannibal. It features the steepest drop in the US, fourth-steepest in the world, and holds the record for the tallest beyond-vertical drop on a roller coaster!

month 3

American road trip begins. We headed off on a 9 day road trip with our friend Sarah to explore more of Utah, Arizona and Nevada. You can check out what we got up to over on our YouTube channel.

Antelope Canyon - mind blown! This has been at the top of Jess's bucket list since the day she saw that iconic photo featured in any article about Antelope Canyon. It is seriously one of the most magical places we have visited to date!

The grandest of canyons. After it being near the top of our USA bucket list for years, we finally got to experience how grandThe Grand Canyon really is.

Vegas baby. We had our first Vegas experience, again if you want to see everything we got up to check out our YouTube videos.

Hot air balloon ride over Vegas. We had the opportunity to experience our first hot balloon ride, and it will definitely not be the last. We woke up at 3am to watch the sunrise over Las Vegas, thousands of feet in the air. Absolutely breathtaking.

6 months of full time travel! We have officially been travelling full time for 6 months now! We both feel unbelievably grateful that we can call this our job, and can not wait to see what the next 6 months will bring! "Remember, there will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits". 

month 6 2


Saying goodbye to family. After travelling with Jess's brother, Drew, for 5 weeks it came time to say good bye and for him to go back home to Australia. Being able to experience travel with a family or friend is always a highlight, however this had to go in the lowlights for the month as it is never easy to say goodbye - especially when you don't know when you will see each other again.

The Funds

This month we travelled a lot and pretty much the entire month was self funded. We spent roughly just over $4000 for the both of us to explore more of the US.

For our bus to Washington DC and flights to Los Angeles & Utah we spent $824. Our Airbnb's for the month came to $954. Our food for the month added up to $693 - not too bad seeing as we ate out a lot.

We visited two theme parks this month costing us $317, but so worth it - we LOVE theme parks!

Our 9 day road trip through some of the American Southwest cost us $1065. We spent $681 on accommodation, $228 for the rental car and the national parks passes came to $156.

And coffee for the month came in at $84.


Nothing new and exciting to report in terms of work this month. Stephen is still working super hard to keep up with client work whilst balancing travelling & Flying the Nest. As we mentioned before, this month was very much self funded, working with a few companies in Los Angeles & Vegas.

Quick Numbers So Far...

Flights taken: 9

Kilometres travelled: 37,245

Photographs taken: 11,634

Days uploaded to YouTube: 180

Coffee’s Had: 164

Where To Next:

We will be spending another week in Utah before heading off for a 13 day trek through Alaska! Next month is the first time we have not had the entire month planned. We have decided to leave the next few months free and flexible and simply wait and see what comes our way. 

Thank you so much for coming along on our journey of leaving home and travelling the world!



