We are both completely in love with photography. Being able to capture a moment in time from one single photograph that sums up an entire experience is incredible. Every now and then we sit down and go through old travel photos, remembering and appreciating everything we have seen, learnt and accomplished from our time exploring the globe.
Here are our 10 most cherished travel moments captured in 10 photographs.
Sunrise on Mt Batur, Indonesia

Mt Batur Bali
We had spent 3 gruelling hours climbing up Mt Batur, an active volcano in Ubud, Bali. This shot was captured once we made it to the volcanos peak as the sun began to rise. We had never felt such a sense of physical accomplishment.
Learning to ski, Whistler

Learning to Ski
Coming from the sunny beaches of Western Australia we have only seen snow a couple of times in our lifetime. This image was captured as I finally learnt how to ski in Whistler, British Columbia, something that has forever been on my bucket list.
Facing our fears, Dubai

I am petrified of heights. After years of trying to conquer my fear I had finally built my confidence up to try something I thought I would never allow myself to experience. Together we skydived over The Palm in Dubai. The view we saw as we flew back to Earth is one we will both never forget.
Surrounded by beauty, Yosemite National Park

Exploring Yosemite was one of the most breathtaking places we have ever travelled to. Looking out at tunnel view was a moment when we both truly realised how beautiful our world is and how important it is to experience places like this in person.
Exploring the underworld, Oahu

We never thought we would ever have the opportunity to explore the ocean for via submarine. I was completely glued to this round window as we passed marine life, coral reefs and ship wrecks.
Meeting the locals, Ubud

While exploring an ancient temple in Ubud, Bali a kind Balinese man came up to us out of the blue. He prayed for us and blessed us. This was a moment when we realised language and culture has no boundaries.
Learning to dive, The Great Barrier Reef

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We had both always wanted to learn to dive, but never thought our first dive would be in The Great Barrier Reef. It was such a spontaneous decision during our travels through Cairns. We have never seen such a vibrant reef, so abundant with marine life. This little selfie was taken the first time our flippers touched the depths of the ocean floor.
Taking a leap of faith, Whistler

This image captures the most terrifying thing we have both ever done (yes, even more terrifying than sky diving). Bungee jumping from a bridge over rapids in Whistler, British is a moment we will both never forget. Having to force your body to take that leap of faith without anything to hold on to or no one to jump with was one crazy experience.
Road tripping with friends, Western Australia

We love and cherish all the memories we have made travelling to different parts of the globe with our incredible friends and family. This was captured during a road trip along the coast of Western Australia. The sun had just risen as we sat together looking out towards the Indian Ocean.
A beautiful engagement, The Maldives

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The is our most cherish photograph. This is us sitting together, looking out at the crystal waters of The Maldives. Little did I know that moments later Stephen would be getting down on one knee on the most beautiful island we had ever been on. It was perfect.
What is your most cherish moment you have captured?
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