It was Jess's birthday on Saturday, the perfect reason to go on a little adventure. We headed up to Grouse Mountain to see more of Vancouvers beautiful wilderness. Once we arrived at the bottom of the pine-covered mountain we looked up to see a large cloud where the peak should be.

Grouse Mountain

Grouse Mountain
We admired the view as the Skyride climbed higher up the mountain until the city below was hidden by mist. We explored the forest as we met bears and watched zip liners. It was stunning, we went up to the top of the wind turbine, and even though it was misty, it was completely breathtaking.

Grouse Mountain

Grouse Mountain

Grouse Mountain
There are so many activities you can do on the mountain depending on the time of year you visit.
During the Winter months it is all about the skiing and snowboarding. The mountain is completely covered in snow and they even organise Christmas activities throughout the month of December, including sleigh rides & visiting Santas workshop.
In the Summer it is all about the adventure. You can experience zip lining, helicopter tours and paragliding! This is also the time that the grizzly bears that live on the mountain come out from hibernation, such beautiful creatures to see in person.

Grouse Mountain

Grouse Mountain

Grouse Mountain

Grouse Mountain

Grouse Mountain

Grouse Mountain

Grouse Mountain
Thank you to Grouse Mountain for inviting us to experience this magical place. We now have plans to return in the summer to complete the Grouse Grind and see the views that we missed on this misty Saturday.
Here is some footage we captured of our day celebrating Jess's birthday and exploring Grouse Mountain.
Have you ever wanted to experience a place in both the Winter & the Summer?
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