We have both been travelling together for the last 7 years, to which 5 of those we were studying full time. Even though we were students we managed to visit 23 countries during that time.
How? Well, it all came down to priorities. We knew we wanted to get a degree and at the same time try and see as much of the world as we could. We both had part-time jobs and if we weren't at uni studying, we were at work working. We would save as much money as we could and every 6 months during the summer/winter uni break we would set off on a 3-5 week trip, usually landing back in Australia the night before the new semester began.

A picture of people skydiving in dubai
We both graduated with fantastic grades, yet still managed to fulfil our passion of travel. Of corse, the way we did it is not the only way you can balance study with travel. If you are a student and aspiring traveller we have come up with a few ways you can itch that travel bug, whilst still getting that degree!
Here are 5 ways you can travel affordably as a student:
1. Study Abroad
This is probably the most popular choice and it's easy to see why. Studying abroad literally mixes your study along with your passion of travel. Every university has partner universities from around the world, and information on how you can get yourself abroad is readily available from most universities. Imagine for a year, two years, or even completing your degree in a foreign country! Imagine that plastered onto your resume.
2. Study Tours
Towards the end of Stephen's university degree he had the opportunity to participate in a Study Tour that took him to Singapore for a week! He went with a group of students and lecturers, explored the amazing city and when arriving home simply had to complete an assignment related to his experience. We highly recommend you speak to student services if any electives in your course allow you to go on a study tour.

3. Seasonal Work
If you want to go skiing during the winter, but can't afford to stay during your entire semester break - have you ever thought of seasonal work? You can travel to the slopes of Whistler and work in a bar or hotel for 6 weeks whilst spending your days off skiing and snowboarding in a new country!
4. Internships Abroad
Similar to studying abroad, however rather then studying you will be participating in work experience. This is a very good way to get your foot in the door at top businesses from around the world. It will look amazing on your resume and put you above the rest as competing with 200 graduates can be tough.
5. Vacations and Weekends (what we did)
Use your vacation time wisely. If you know in 6 months time there is going to be a 5 week break, save your butt off for the next 6 months and use that whole 5 week break travelling!

A picture of people kicking snow in new zealand
How do you balance study and travel?
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