Back in December we broke down our favourite Walt Disney World rides followed by the top rides to do on the Gold Coast in sunny Australia. So today we are continuing the series and following it up with our picks for favourite Universal Studio's and Islands of Adventure rides in Orlando, Florida.
Poseidon's Fury: Escape From the Lost City at Islands of Adventure
Being big Greek mythology fans that we are - we couldn't help but get a kick out out hearing 'The Keeper' share his tale about the great lost city of Atlantis falling due to an epic battle between Zeus and Poseidon. The ride is part Indiana Jones part water, fire and lights show. This one is not to be missed due to the quick changing sets and grand conclusion.

Jaws at Universal Studios
Unfortunately this ride is no longer operating but we can't help putting it in due to our fond memories of it. Based on the 1975 Spielberg movie you board a tour boat that is casually cruising through Amity Harbour. Before you know it your leisurely ride is interrupted by a horrific encounter with Jaws that leads you to narrowly escaping the giant great white shark.

Duelling Dragons at Universal Studios
This high octane ride is themed around the Triwizard Tournament of Harry Potter fame and pits two roller coasters (representing the dragons) against each other. Expect plenty of twists, loops and turns in this intertwining roller coaster ride. Make sure you ride it twice as each "dragon" offers a completely different ride.

Transformers the Ride-3D at Universal Studios
Besides the Stars Tours ride offered Walt Disney World the Transformers 3D ride comes in at a very close second in relation to our top 3D attractions. This ride straps you in, gives you 3D glasses and has just enough action to make you feel like you are truly in a Michael Bay film.

The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man at Islands of Adventure
This 3-D attraction is very similar to the Transformers 3D ride but instead puts you into the Marvel universe as you web swing around New York with your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. These 3D attractions getting better at blurring the line between what is real and what is not.

The Simpsons Ride at Universal Studios
You may or may not know but it can be almost impossible to get Jess onto a roller coaster and that even applies to simulation ones.
The rides story places you in Krusty the Clowns latest money-grab - a poorly put together amusement park called 'Krustyland'. The roller coaster simulator uses cartoonish graphics to create the illusion of soaring down a roller coaster. As you begin to enjoy the ride and realise that roller coasters aren't that bad after all - bolts start flying off and everything begins to fall apart.
Once you are done on the ride make sure you explore the small Springfield town they have setup including iconic locations such as the Kwik-E-Mart.

Twister...Ride It Out at Universal Studios
If you fall into the category of a) you want to be in a movie or b) you want to know what it's like to be in a twister then look no further. This ride places you right in the middle of a town before a giant tornado hits it. Watch as roofs fly off, cows go into the distance and gas pumps blow up right in front of your face.

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at the Islands of Adventure
We could not of gone at a worse time to try this ride. The final Harry Potter movie had been released literally the day before and the ride itself was only 13 months old. This was by far the longest time we have ever waited for a ride, but to this date it is also the best ride we have ever been on.
Even queuing up to get into the ride is a treat as you enter Hogwarts before weaving your way past Dumbledores office, into the great hall and past all your favourite characters. The ride itself takes you through new and past locations from the movies but set during the time of the last 2 movies, including little nods such as what the Basilisk snake from the second movie looks like today. If you enjoy Harry Potter you know you are already coming here.

What's your favourite ride at Universal Studios in Orlando?

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