For those people wanting to travel more often, but money and time is a problem, why not simply travel in your own backyard? Well, not literally your backyard, but within 1 or 2 hours from home. This can be simply a day trip or a quick weekend getaway.

Whenever we think of planning a trip we always think of far away places, instead of stopping to view what's on offer close to home. Travel doesn't always have to mean a trip to Thailand or Hawaii, it can be about exploring somewhere new in your surroundings.

Here are some reasons why you should travel in your own backyard

1. It's cheap and no flights

You remove the stress of large costs of a dreaded flight and lets all agree on something - the actual "travelling to" part of travelling kinda sucks, I mean who likes being cooped up in an aeroplane?

2. Easy to plan

There is no need for hours of researching and stressful planning in advance, have a squiz on your favourite travel blog, pack the night before and you're ready to go.

A picture of a boy kayaking at penguin island in western australia

[Kayaking at Penguin Island for Valentines day - 2 hour's from home]

3. Less packing

From as little as a packed lunch to a small suitcase is all you should need, well except for your favourite mixtape ready to be blared.

4. Less time away

For those with a busy life and work commitments, you don't need to worry about getting time off, just take a cheeky weekend away and your back at work on the Monday.

5. Gain a new appreciation

Getting out and experiencing new things close to home, you will gain an appreciation and be more grateful of where you live. Bonus - when you travel you will find foreigners wanting to hear stories and experiences of your home town.

A picture of the pinnacles in western australia

[1 hour drive to The Pinnacles to spend Easter Friday together]

There are so many reasons exploring your own backyard can be beneficial. But how will you find new things to do? Here are just a few examples. 

6. Look up your home town on trip advisor

Have a search on trip advisor to see what other people recommend to do when others visit your home town.

A picture of Serpintine Falls

[For a summer getaway we drove 1.5 hours to Serpentine Falls for the day, all thanks to trip advisor]

7. Visit your local council's website for upcoming events

There may be some festivals, outdoor concerts or other events coming up you may not of heard of. Simply search your town into google and the local council's website should pop up. They always share upcoming events that you may want to participate in.

8. Use social media

Check out what your friends are up to on Facebook and Instagram, they may check in somewhere that you never knew existed a short drive from your home. Also, search for your home city's hashtag on Instagram and Twitter (eg, #Perth) to see where people are going and what they are doing in your local area.

9. Use Foursquare

Foursquare is a location based check-in social network. Its great for tips and suggestions from users who leave feedback on where they've eaten, drank and visited in your local area.

a picture of the curtin university outdoor cinemas

[Date night at an outdoor cinema 30 minutes from home]

Remember, a holiday does not mean travelling hours to get to your destination. It's all about exploring somewhere new - enjoy your next holiday in your own backyard!

What experience have you had exploring your own backyard? Leave a comment below, Tweet us or leave a post on Facebook.

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