Over the years travel apps have made our life that much easier. Whether we need help with currency converting, flight tracking or jet lag - there seems to be an app for everything. Saying that, there are a lot of good and bad apps out there, so we have compiled a list of our best travel apps that every traveler needs.

A picture of the TripIt app logo

9. TripIt

TipIt is a travel itinerary organiser and manager app. We use it to store all our plane tickets, hotel bookings, car rentals and anything else used to plan our trips in this one master online itinerary. You can also add maps, weather info or any other information to help you get the most out of your holiday. You can even book your activities through the app.

[Apple Store] [Android Store]

A picture of the jet lag app logo

 8. Jet Lag App

If you are like us and love travelling but hate jet lag then you have to try out this app. You enter in the time of your flight, your home country and where you're flying to and the app will work out a sleep pattern that will gradually acclimatise you to your new time zone.

[Apple Store]

A picture of the XE currency app logo

 7. XE Currency

We use this free app every time we go overseas! Supporting virtually all the world currencies, the XE Currency app will ensure that you are covered with all your money exchange rate needs. It uses live data so you can always be sure you are getting the most current information and avoid getting scammed by exchanges.

[Apple Store] [Android Store]

A picture of the iStone App Logo

 6. iStone

We find that nothing is more frustrating than a language barrier. This is why we always have iStone on our phones. This translation app is very simple to use and helps a lot when needing directions or looking for the toilet.

[Apple Store]

A picture of the word lens logo

 5. Word Lens

Even more frustrating than a language barrier - trying to read confusing signs and menus! Well, we have found an amazing app that fixes this problem. Word Lens lets you point your iPhone's camera at whatever you need translated and it instantly translates printed words in real time, we aren't joking check it out.

[Apple Store] [Android Store]

A picture of flight plus logo

 4. Flight+

Flights+ allows you to track and monitor individual airline flights whether they are currently en route, have yet to depart, or have already arrived. It gives you information on the schedule and actual departure and arrival times, as well as terminal and gate information. The app also provides a detailed map with the flight's approximate position and the weather with the current time at both cities. But our favourite feature is the push notification as flight times change - very helpful to ensure we never miss a flight.

[Apple Store]

An image of the wi-fi finder logo

 3. Wi-Fi Finder

A very helpful app, it points out all the nearest Wi-Fi hotspots on its built-in map so you can avoid those outrageous roaming data costs. It also has a Wi-Fi radar, which can show you what specific Wi-Fi connection is closest and strongest.

[Apple Store] [Android Store]

A picture of the WhatsApp logo

 2. WhatsApp

If you are like us and want to stay in touch with family and friends back at home without racking up a massive phone bill then you need this app. The app is free to use and download, all you need is Wi-Fi or a 3G connection. We always seem to find free wireless from hotels and cafes and then we text our loved ones for free. You don't even need to write down phone numbers or worry about country extensions, this app will add your contacts automatically and within seconds you will be able to text anyone for free.

[Apple Store] [Android Store]

A picture of the skyscanner logo

 1. Skyscanner

Since stumbling across this app last year it has become our most used travel app. Skyscanner lets you compare countless flights and hotels from all around the world. Instead of roaming the Internet and hunting through countless flight and hotel comparison sights, all you need is this one app.

[Apple Store] [Android Store]

What is your favourite travel app? Leave a comment below, Tweet us or leave a post on Facebook.

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